The Precision Medicine Questions & Answers (Q&A) Resource Builder
A co-created tool for patient advocates, organizations and healthcare professionals, to develop or update existing precision medicine Questions & Answers resources for patients.

Guiding Shared Decision-Making
It can be used to:
Update existing Q&A resources, ensuring the crucial elements related to precision medicine are covered
Create a new Q&A resource by adapting this backbone resource to the relevant country and disease
Discover all generic resources that can be used as such:
Tool in action
Discover all adapted resources from the Precision Medicine Questions & Answers (Q&A) Resource Builder
EuropaColón, a Spanish patient organization, has adapted the Spanish version further, including adopting DiCE’s adaptation to separate the resource into four resources, reflecting the various stages patients may be in.
Find them here.
Tool in action
The Q&A was adapted to colorectal cancer and translated to French and Spanish in collaboration with Colorectal Cancer Canada, the Global Colon Cancer Association, and Digestive Cancers Europe, so that local colon cancer organizations can more easily adapt it to their specific contexts.
EuropaColón, a Spanish patient organization, has adapted the Spanish version further, including adopting DiCE’s adaptation to separate the resource into four resources, reflecting the various stages patients may be in.
Find them here.
Any patient advocate, organization or healthcare providers can adapt this resource to a specific condition and/or local context to help their patient community better understand the options in their care pathway!
Co-Creating a Common Framework Based on Best Practices
Because the precision medicine landscape is fragmented. There is a lack of common understanding and standardization even for core issues, like the patient pathways or frequent needs for information.
Through the Patient Engagement Open Forum session, co-creation activities, and working group calls we have identified that a common framework is needed to help standardize how information needs are identified and addressed.
To reduce duplication of effort and time investment of the advocacy community, we co-creating this tool based on existing best practices.