Join the FT3 Community of Practice and help us make precision medicine an accessible reality for patients
Working Groups
Join us
- Shape practical solutions on specific focus areas that are most relevant to you
- Participate in a globally active and diverse group
- Open to Members and non-members
- Max. time commitment of 4 hours / month
Data & Evidence
Patient & HCP Education & Awareness
Systemic Barriers & Opportunities
First deliverables
- Patient-led guiding principles for precision medicine data management*
- Link patient stories to support value case*
- Identified missing evidence for different precision medicine stakeholders*
- Tell the story of precision medicine and why it matters*
First deliverables
- Parallel Q&A resource for patients and HCPs for informed decision making*
- Library of adaptable resources with repurposing instructions*
- Patient Advocate advanced resources*
- Tell the story of precision medicine and why it matters*
First deliverables
- Country & conditions cards*
- Access barrier cause-effect “canvas”
- Identified replicable best practices in addressing access barriers
- Stakeholder expectations matrix & interviews*
Centralized global resources to test, refine & available to all
Keep up to date with the latest developments from the FT3 Program
We don’t spam. Just key info at the right time.
Meet the FT3 Community of Practice
Now 58+ Contributors, representing 35+ Organizations, in 3 Working Groups