The Precision Medicine Patient Stories Library

A repository of stories that aim to visualize each patient’s pathway according to a common framework, and highlight learnings and best practices.

About this resource

The goal is to develop a library of patient stories that visualizes each patient’s pathway according to a common framework, and highlight learnings and best practices.

A resource for Precision Medicine advocates and champions, the stories highlight learnings, barriers to access, best practices and showcase key differences between patient experiences in precision medicine.


The tool was co-developed with stakeholders representing patient associations, industry, academics, researchers and external experts

Simple to use

This resource is for anyone working on precision medicine advocacy (for example, patient advocates with any level of experience, healthcare professionals etc).

Share your story

Share your story or stories from your focus area to add to the library

The why

We need more evidence to demonstrate the value case for PM

We want to highlight the importance of the patient experience in precision medicine

We need a way to bring together common learnings, challenges experienced and good practices

Tool Context

This resource is part of an integrated set of resources, support and network for champions of precision medicine. It will help accelerate the benefits of precision medicine by generating better evidence, creating awareness, and building the conditions for better access to targeted medicine in oncology and beyond.

People and organizations behind this tool